Bright Business Women with Pauline Bright

Episode 3. Love it or Leave it, making the right decision

January 30, 2020 Pauline Bright Episode 3

“I don’t love this as much as I used to”.

In this 10-minute episode I help you make the choice to go or stay and what actions to take next. 

If you’ve fallen out of love with your business or your job, you need to take charge of what happens next.

Love it or leave it

We’ll talk about the strategies to Love it or Leave it

  • Fix it to make the romance bloom again or leave it without guilt.
  • The role of Quick Little Flirtations before you commit to the ONE
  • Make the choice about quitting with dignity 
  • Truthfully answer tough questions you’ve probably been avoiding
  • The level of makeover you need if you stay - light touch or full body work
  • Formulating Unbreakable Rules to make the business treat you well

Once you’ve made a decision, don’t delay, don’t let it drag on - load it up with love or pack your bags. 

And if you need help with making the decision and acting on the strategies then you know where to find me. I LOVE this stuff.

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