Bright Business Women with Pauline Bright

Episode 2: Awkward is the New Brave with Belle Lockerby

January 10, 2020 Pauline Bright with Belle Lockerby Episode 2

Belle Lockerby is the best-selling author of “Awkward is the New Brave. Wipe-outs Happen, Get Back Up Anyway”.

Belle has a unique way of telling her story and helping others to repurpose the past with humour, honesty and kindness. 

Belle has coached and inspired over a thousand people to create change in business and in life, encouraging everyone to be brave enough to be themselves and awkward enough to try uncomfortable things. 

I caught up with Belle shortly after her book was launched and hit the best-seller list. I couldn’t wait to share her wisdom and practical advice about what to do with fear - from crawling to the edge of the Grand Canyon to handling a frog. 

We didn’t talk about surfing, which is a big fear-busting challenge that Belle talks about in the book, but I’ll leave that for you to discover yourself when you read the book. 

  • Awkward is the New Brave. How the title came about
  • The value of hiring an editor. 
  • Asking for help, even if it feels uncomfortable, and how connections flow
  • The bits that didn't make the final cut
  • When leadership is thrust on you; Awkward conversations handled with compassion and grace.
  • Should I put my kids in my book?
  • You do not deserve to be hidden, use your voice. Ask for help. Tell your story. Celebrate who you are 
  • Being vulnerable - someone to hold your hand and do scary things 
  • Dealing with amygdala hijack  
  • Looking over the edge of the Grand Canyon and fear of frogs and screaming in the back yard
  • Seeking out predictable things is not always the right thing to do.
  • Lessons from self-publishing a book - learning the mechanics behind things.
  • I hit that bestseller list because of the community and the small but engaged group that I have. 
  • Marketing campaign - Facebook Lives, I can wash dishes and chat to you at the same time.
  • One big learning in terms of reaching PR people. 
  • How to be effective with a small budget and use what I've got and just work with
  • Recognising the stuff that you need to let go of for this period of time
  • Big goals involving Reese Witherspoon and Keanu Reeves - putting it out there.
  • Book number two; The Willow Trees, about diversity around our migration history, the challenges, and how you can start to break generational stories 

To connect with Belle, you can find her on 



Or google Belle Lockerby Awkward is the New Brave. 

The book is available at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Apple ibook and Kobo.

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